Smoothie Whirl'd
is back to a "normal" operating environment
the pandemic is now in our past, COVID-19 is
still a big part of or daily lives and remains a
threat to the unvaccinated, the elderly and
those with compromised immune systems. However,
life at Smoothie Whirl'd is now back to what we
call a "normal" operating environment, meaning
that we are no longer mitigating any current
COVID-19 health emergency.
Everyday Cleanliness & Health Policy
We continue to sanitize our surfaces every hour for
the protection of our customers and team members (who
are encouraged to wear masks while on duty but are not
required). Although we have relaxed our
stance on mask wearing for our customers at this
please be respectful of others who choose to
continue to protect themselves and others around
them by wearing their masks while in our store.
Please be
advised that, as a private business, we retain the legal
right to revise our COVID-19 policies any time we
feel it necessary and will do so (and enforce them) should
the COVID-19 situation change in a way that negatively
impacts the health of our employees, our customers or
our business in any way.
A reminder that our in-store restroom
facilities are reserved for our paying customers only
(meaning purchasing your order in advance of using
our facilities). We apologize in advance for
any inconvenience.
Thank you
for your continued business!